Monday, August 4, 2008

When Stuck in an Elevator

Yesterday night Malia, my friend, and I were leaving her apt. and had the experience of getting trapped inside her elevator. Now, for those of you who have had the experience in riding in her apt's elevator know that this is not something you would want to come upon you!!! I tried ripping the door open, we do have pics, but no success. Malia was freakin out and going kinda crazy! After about 5 mins. we got the elevator to go up one floor, and voila, the door opened. When we got to the main floor, a resident had a huge smile on her faced and started laughing discretely as she obviously heard Malia's cries for help and of despair!!!!

1 comment:

malia said...

um, do not make fun of me. it was very traumatic. and i wasn't freaking out as much as you claim. ok, maybe i was...but hello!